Help Make the Sherwood Center for Autism Blues and BBQ Fest a Success – Shift #1

Every year, nearly 1,000 Kansas Citians enjoy some of the city’s best blues music and eat some of the city’s most delicious BBQ. Lindsay Shannon, BB’s owner and local blues aficionado, has been partnering with Sherwood Center for the last 27 years to make this event successful. The bands donate their time and talent and all proceeds benefit Sherwood Center’s programming to support children and adults with autism spectrum disorder.

Funds raised from the Blues & BBQ event will help Sherwood Center ( with their mission to empower children and adults with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities to maximize their potential in family and community life.

Serve KC Volunteers will operate the help direct parking, sell tickets and help in any other way that the Center needs.

Please wear comfortable shoes and plenty of sunscreen!

Feel free to enjoy a great Blues and BBQ after your shift!

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